Tuesday, March 31, 2009

In Gods Hands

The storms may rage the winds my blow cares of life come against my soul in trouble times I know just where to stand no safer place to be than in Gods hands. In Gods hands I'm in good hands my soul is safe and secure in Gods hands sweet assurance it's good to know I'm in good hands.Sometimes it seems a trial last to long it scarcely past and I must face another one but in trouble times I know just where to stand to safer place to be than in Gods hands. In Gods hands I'm in good hands my soul is safe and secure in Gods hands sweet assurance its good to know I'm in good hands. Weary and feeble I turn to a solid rock strong and firm. In Gods hands I'm in good hands my soul is safe and secure.
This is s song that God has really used to encourage me. About a year ago I lost my Baby sister.
And in that time I felt alone .But God gave this song to my family and it lets me know that no matter what happens that we are always on his mind and always in his care.
Now I don't always feel this way but that does not mean that it is true. Gods says that he will never leave us or forsake us and that is his promise to us his promise to me .
It is very easy for me to lose sight of who is really important I get so caught up in everyday activities that I lose sight of the one who is able to really help me .
It's funny the other day I was really feeling down the weight of everything just felt like it was to much so I ran to my room and cry and said God I know that I am unable to do this on my own so I am coming before you and laying my pain and my anger and my fear all at your feet take them , I no longer want to be bound by them . And at that moment I had this sense of peace fill me and I felt his arms wrap around me . And that song began to go through my head in Gods hands I'm in good and my soul is safe and secure.
God has always been their for me and he has never left me and that is so amazing
In Gods Hands there is sweet assurance

1 comment:

  1. Well said Rachel... there is no better or safer place to be. :)
    <3 ya roomie!
